Day98- Kubernetes Troubleshooting: DNS Problems

Sourabhh Kalal
3 min readApr 10, 2024

In the intricate ecosystem of Kubernetes, DNS plays a vital role in service discovery and inter-service communication, enabling pods to locate each other and external resources efficiently. However, DNS issues can often arise, leading to service disruptions and perplexing connectivity problems within a Kubernetes cluster. This blog post delves into common DNS problems encountered in Kubernetes, offering examples and troubleshooting strategies to diagnose and resolve these challenges effectively.

Understanding Kubernetes DNS

Kubernetes DNS automates the DNS management for services and pods, ensuring that applications can seamlessly discover services through DNS lookups. CoreDNS, the default DNS server in Kubernetes, is responsible for resolving service names to IP addresses, allowing for easy communication between different services within the cluster.

Common DNS Issues in Kubernetes

  1. DNS Lookup Failures: Pods are unable to resolve the DNS names of other services.
  2. Slow DNS Responses: Delays in DNS resolution leading to timeouts and slow application responses.
  3. Incorrect DNS Resolution: Services are resolved to incorrect or outdated IP addresses.

Troubleshooting DNS Issues

Diagnosing DNS Lookup Failures

Symptom: A pod cannot resolve the DNS name of another service within the cluster.

Example Scenario: An application pod fails to connect to a backend service using its DNS name.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  1. Validate DNS Configuration: Check the CoreDNS configuration and ensure it matches the cluster’s requirements. The CoreDNS ConfigMap can be inspected with:
kubectl get configmap coredns -n kube-system -o yaml

2. Test DNS Resolution from a Pod: Use a temporary pod to test DNS resolution. For example:

kubectl run dns-test --image=busybox:1.28 --restart=Never -- sleep 3600 kubectl exec -ti dns-test -- nslookup <service-name>

Replace <service-name> with the name of the service you're trying to resolve.

3. Review CoreDNS Logs: Check the CoreDNS pod logs for any errors or warnings that could indicate problems with DNS resolution.

kubectl logs -l k8s-app=kube-dns -n kube-system

Addressing Slow DNS Responses

Symptom: Applications experience delays when resolving DNS names, leading to timeouts.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  1. Check CoreDNS Performance: Ensure that CoreDNS pods are not overwhelmed. Scaling up the CoreDNS deployment can mitigate performance issues.
kubectl scale --replicas=<desired-replica-count> -n kube-system deployment/coredns

2. Replace <desired-replica-count> with the number of replicas you wish to scale to.

3. Network Latency: Investigate network latency within the cluster, as this can contribute to slow DNS responses.

Correcting Incorrect DNS Resolution

Symptom: DNS queries return incorrect or outdated IP addresses.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  1. Inspect Endpoints: Ensure that the endpoints for the service are correct and up-to-date.
kubectl get endpoints <service-name>

2. CoreDNS Cache: If CoreDNS is caching DNS responses, ensure the cache TTL is appropriate for your environment. Adjustments can be made in the CoreDNS ConfigMap.

Best Practices for Preventing DNS Issues

  1. Monitor CoreDNS Performance: Regularly monitor the performance and logs of CoreDNS to preemptively identify potential issues.
  2. Network Policies: Ensure that network policies do not inadvertently block traffic to and from the CoreDNS pods.
  3. Resource Allocation: Allocate sufficient resources (CPU and memory) to the CoreDNS pods based on the cluster size and workload.


DNS issues in Kubernetes can be daunting but are often resolvable with systematic troubleshooting. By understanding the common pitfalls and applying best practices, you can ensure robust DNS resolution within your Kubernetes clusters, enabling seamless service discovery and communication. As with any complex system, ongoing monitoring and optimization play crucial roles in maintaining the health and performance of Kubernetes DNS services.

