Day97- Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) Practices

Sourabhh Kalal
3 min readApr 9, 2024

In the dynamic landscape of software engineering, maintaining system reliability while fostering innovation is a paramount challenge for organizations. Site Reliability Engineering (SRE), a discipline that incorporates aspects of software engineering into the IT operations domain, offers a framework to address this challenge. Originating from Google in the early 2000s, SRE has since been adopted by numerous companies seeking to enhance their operational capabilities. This blog post delves into the core practices of SRE, providing real-world examples of how these practices are implemented to achieve operational excellence.

Core Practices of SRE

1. Service Level Objectives (SLOs) and Service Level Indicators (SLIs)

SLOs and SLIs are at the heart of SRE, providing quantifiable measures of service reliability and performance. SLIs are metrics that measure the health of a service, such as response time or error rate, while SLOs are the targets set for these metrics.

Example: LinkedIn utilizes SLOs and SLIs to monitor and ensure the reliability of its networking platform. By setting clear targets for key metrics like latency and uptime, LinkedIn can prioritize work based on impact to user experience, ensuring high reliability and performance.

2. Error Budgets

Error budgets establish the allowable threshold for downtime or unreliability in a service, derived from the SLOs. They offer a balance between releasing new features and maintaining reliability, encouraging proactive measures to prevent reliability issues.

Example: At Google, error budgets determine the pace at which new features can be released. If a service consumes its error budget too quickly, deployments are halted to focus on reliability improvements, ensuring that innovation does not come at the expense of user satisfaction.

3. Blameless Postmortems

Blameless postmortems are conducted after an incident to understand what went wrong, without assigning blame to individuals. This practice fosters a culture of transparency and continuous learning.

Example: Etsy is well-known for its blameless culture, where postmortems focus on systemic issues rather than individual mistakes. This approach has helped Etsy continuously improve its systems and processes, reducing the likelihood of repeat incidents.

4. Automation

SRE emphasizes the importance of automating repetitive tasks, particularly those related to deployment, monitoring, and incident response. Automation reduces the potential for human error and frees up engineers to focus on more impactful work.

Example: Netflix employs extensive automation to manage its vast cloud infrastructure. From auto-remediation of common issues to automated canary analysis during deployments, Netflix’s reliance on automation ensures high reliability and efficiency.

5. Capacity Planning and Management

Proactive capacity planning ensures that services can handle growth and unexpected spikes in demand without compromising performance. SRE teams use data-driven approaches to forecast demand and adjust resources accordingly.

Example: Twitter’s SRE team employs sophisticated capacity planning techniques to manage the influx of traffic during high-profile events, such as the Super Bowl or presidential elections. By simulating and preparing for these scenarios, Twitter can ensure seamless service under exceptional loads.

6. Toil Reduction

Toil refers to repetitive, manual tasks that do not add long-term value. SRE practices aim to minimize toil through automation and process improvements, enhancing team efficiency and job satisfaction.

Example: Google’s SRE team focuses on reducing toil by setting a goal that operational work (toil) should not exceed 50% of an engineer’s time. By identifying and automating toil, they continuously refine their operations to focus more on strategic initiatives.


The adoption of Site Reliability Engineering practices represents a paradigm shift in how organizations approach operations and software engineering. By prioritizing reliability, accountability, and continuous improvement, SRE helps bridge the gap between development and operations, fostering a culture where innovation and stability coexist. As demonstrated by companies like LinkedIn, Google, Etsy, Netflix, and Twitter, SRE is not just a set of practices but a philosophy that can drive organizations towards operational excellence and enhanced customer satisfaction.

