Day94- Infrastructure Monitoring with Zabbix

Sourabhh Kalal
3 min readApr 6, 2024

In the realm of IT operations, the importance of robust infrastructure monitoring cannot be overstated. It’s the linchpin that ensures high availability, performance optimization, and proactive issue resolution. Among the plethora of monitoring tools available, Zabbix stands out for its versatility, scalability, and zero-cost licensing. This guide aims to illuminate how Zabbix can be harnessed to monitor a wide array of infrastructure components, bolstered by practical examples.

Why Zabbix?

Zabbix is an open-source monitoring software tool for diverse IT components, including networks, servers, virtual machines (VMs), and cloud services. It offers a comprehensive monitoring solution that encompasses metrics collection, visualization, alerting, and problem remediation. With Zabbix, you can anticipate issues before they impact your business, ensuring your infrastructure remains resilient against potential failures.

Key Features of Zabbix

  • Wide Range of Monitoring Options: Zabbix supports agent-based and agentless monitoring, providing flexibility in how you monitor different devices and applications.
  • Highly Scalable: Suitable for small environments to large, distributed setups with thousands of monitored devices.
  • Intuitive Web Interface: Configure your monitoring setup and view dashboards through a user-friendly web GUI.
  • Advanced Problem Detection: Leverage threshold-based alerts, anomaly detection, and trend prediction.
  • Rich Visualization Tools: Create graphs, charts, and maps to visualize your data for better analysis.
  • Integrated Alerting Mechanism: Notify administrators via email, SMS, or custom scripts when issues are detected.

Setting Up Zabbix for Infrastructure Monitoring


Zabbix can be installed on various Linux distributions, Windows, and macOS. For Linux (e.g., Ubuntu), you can install Zabbix server, frontend, and agent by executing:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install zabbix-server-mysql zabbix-frontend-php zabbix-apache-conf zabbix-agent

This command installs Zabbix with MySQL as the database backend. You’ll need to set up the database schema and user for Zabbix during the installation process.

Basic Configuration

After installation, configure your Zabbix server by editing the Zabbix server configuration file (/etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf), specifying database settings:


Restart the Zabbix server and agent services to apply changes:

sudo systemctl restart zabbix-server zabbix-agent apache2

Access the Zabbix web interface by navigating to http://your_server_ip_or_hostname/zabbix. Follow the setup wizard to complete the configuration.

Monitoring a Server

  1. Adding a Host: In the Zabbix web interface, navigate to “Configuration” -> “Hosts” and click “Create host” to add a new server for monitoring. Enter the hostname, IP address, and link the server to a monitoring template.
  2. Configuring Items: Items are individual metrics to be monitored (e.g., CPU load, disk space). You can define custom items or use predefined ones from templates.
  3. Setting Up Triggers: Triggers define conditions under which alerts are sent. For example, a trigger can be set for “CPU load > 80% for 5 minutes”.

Example: Disk Space Monitoring

To monitor disk space, you can use the “Template OS Linux” which includes various items, including disk space metrics. Here’s how you can set a trigger for disk space:

  1. Navigate to “Configuration” -> “Hosts” and select your server.
  2. Go to “Triggers” and click “Create trigger”.
  3. Define the trigger expression, e.g., {Template OS Linux:vfs.fs.size[/,pfree].last()}<10 alerts if the root partition has less than 10% free space.
  4. Configure the severity and set the trigger name, like “Low Disk Space on Root Partition”.

Visualizing Data

Zabbix provides dashboards and graphs for visualizing monitoring data. You can create custom dashboards by selecting “Monitoring” -> “Dashboard” and then “Create dashboard”. Add widgets, such as graphs or maps, to visualize the metrics from your monitored hosts.


Zabbix offers a powerful, flexible platform for infrastructure monitoring, suitable for networks, servers, and applications of all sizes. By effectively leveraging Zabbix’s capabilities, IT teams can ensure their infrastructure remains reliable, performant, and resilient to failures. Whether you’re monitoring a handful of servers or a complex distributed network, Zabbix provides the tools you need to stay ahead of potential issues.

