Day93- Kubernetes Troubleshooting: API Server Issues

Sourabhh Kalal
3 min readApr 5, 2024

Kubernetes, the de facto orchestrator for containerized applications, is renowned for its scalability and flexibility. However, with great power comes great complexity, and Kubernetes is no exception. Among the myriad components that comprise a Kubernetes cluster, the API server stands as the central communication hub, interfacing with both internal components and external clients. When issues arise with the API server, they can ripple throughout the entire cluster, manifesting in a variety of symptoms and challenges. This blog post will delve into common API server issues, their symptoms, and how to troubleshoot them, complete with examples.

Understanding the API Server

The API server is the front door to the Kubernetes control plane. It processes REST operations, validating and executing them. As a stateless component, it scales horizontally, making it resilient and highly available.

Symptoms of API Server Issues

  1. API Unavailability: Clients (kubectl, internal components) cannot communicate with the cluster.
  2. High Latency: Sluggish response times when interacting with the API.
  3. Authentication or Authorization Failures: Legitimate requests are denied access.

Common API Server Issues and Troubleshooting Steps

1. API Server Crashes or High Latency

Symptom: The API server is unresponsive or intermittently available, often accompanied by timeouts.


  • Check Pod Status: First, check if the API server pods are running.
kubectl get pods -n kube-system
  • Review Logs: Inspect the API server logs for errors or warnings that might indicate the root cause.
kubectl logs <api-server-pod-name> -n kube-system
  • Resource Constraints: Ensure the API server isn’t being throttled by CPU or memory limits. Adjust resources accordingly.

2. Misconfiguration

Symptom: The API server starts but exhibits erratic behavior, such as rejecting valid requests.


  • Configuration Review: Check the API server startup flags and configuration files for incorrect settings.
  • Kubernetes Version: Ensure compatibility between the API server version and other cluster components.

3. Network Issues

Symptom: The API server is running, but clients can’t connect, or connections are dropped.


  • Network Connectivity: Verify network connectivity to the API server endpoint.
  • Firewall and Security Groups: Ensure that firewalls or cloud security groups allow traffic on the API server’s port (usually 6443).
  • DNS Resolution: Confirm that the API server’s hostname resolves correctly in DNS.

4. Authentication and Authorization Problems

Symptom: Clients receive 403 Forbidden or 401 Unauthorized responses.


  • RBAC Configuration: Review Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) permissions to ensure the client has the necessary access.
kind: Role
namespace: default
name: pod-reader
- apiGroups: [""]
resources: ["pods"]
verbs: ["get", "watch", "list"]
  • Authentication Mechanisms: Check the configuration of authentication mechanisms (e.g., OIDC, certificates).

Advanced Troubleshooting

In cases where basic troubleshooting does not resolve the issue, consider the following advanced steps:

  • Etcd Health: Since the API server relies on etcd, ensure etcd cluster is healthy and accessible.
  • Control Plane Logs: Beyond the API server, inspect the logs of other control plane components for related issues.
  • Network Policies: Ensure that Kubernetes network policies or external network appliances do not inadvertently block traffic to the API server.


Troubleshooting API server issues in Kubernetes can be challenging, but a systematic approach to diagnosing and resolving problems can help. By understanding the common issues and their symptoms, you can quickly pinpoint the root cause and apply the appropriate fix. Remember, the health of the API server is crucial for the overall stability and performance of your Kubernetes cluster.

